
Some of my favorite writing on psychology, personal growth, and how we can become the person we want to be.

Being Well Forrest Hanson Being Well Forrest Hanson

How to Become a Disciplined Person

Dr. Rick and I explore how we can become more disciplined. We talk about whether discipline came naturally to Rick, how to make even frustrating tasks rewarding, how to identify key wants, needs, and aspirations, and learning to feel good when we do good.

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Being Well Forrest Hanson Being Well Forrest Hanson

How to Relationship with Elizabeth Ferreira

Somatic trauma therapist Elizabeth Ferreira joins me to explore how we can create more secure relationships. We talk about the lessons we’ve learned from our relationship, the impact of trauma and prior relationship wounds, and how very different people can make things work.

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Being Well Forrest Hanson Being Well Forrest Hanson

Everything You Need to Know About Therapy

Dr. Rick and I explore everything you need to know about therapy - how you can get more from it, finding the approach (and the therapist) that’s right for you, some perspectives on why therapy is so expensive, and how to maximize your results.

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Being Well Forrest Hanson Being Well Forrest Hanson

Managing the Freeze Response: Dissociation, Emotional Shutdown, and Creating Safety

What do dissociation, avoidance, and shutdown all have in common? They’re connected to the “freeze” response to stress. In one of my favorite episodes to date, Dr. Rick joins me to explore the freeze response in detail and how we can begin to move through it. Towards the end of the episode we discuss managing these tendencies in a relationship.

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Being Well Forrest Hanson Being Well Forrest Hanson

How to Regulate Yourself with Elizabeth Ferreira

Associate therapist Elizabeth Ferreira joins me to explore how we can feel our feelings while staying calm, collected, and in control. We walk through two examples of under- and over-regulation, and Elizabeth offers specific practices that might help in each common situation.

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